Bruce Skarin

Father, Scientist, & Activist


It is time to rethink the political party. President George Washington warned us of the periodic decay of partisan politics in his farewell address and it has now been over 150 years since the Republican Party was established and over 180 years since the "modern" Democratic Party was formed. Modern problems call for a modern approach.

A recent Gallup poll found a historic 60% of Americans believe that a third party is needed. In our Commonwealth, over half of voters are now registered as independents. We independents, moderates, centrists, and otherwise disenfranchised are the new majority. In our latest poll, potential voters also widely prefer an independent candidate.


This new majority also understands that our current political system is broken. In another poll, conducted by Global Strategy Group, 95% of Americans consider the general influence of money in politics to be a serious issue. Yet neither party is taking it seriously.

The real challenge, is that 91% of those same respondents do not think it likely that this influence can be reduced in the next few years. Nothing can be further from the truth. In 2014 we have the opportunity to redefine how we want to be represented in Congress.

I am running as an independent because I want to bring a fresh perspective in Congress. To move forward we need to take a step back from the old ideological battles and start a new movement that is entirely independent from both established interests and big money. A movement that is that is responsive to the priorities of every citizen equally and not just those with wealth and power.

Senator Markey has given almost 40 years of service to his country, but he is now trapped within a corrupt system that no longer serves the needs of the majority. I will bring strong, independent leadership to Congress and work tirelessly to represent everyone in Massachusetts equally, regardless of party affiliation or support of my campaign.